TO NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA partners. Now, since the city of Panama had made this a holiday occasion, the Prince saw no harm in complying with the spirit. He would dance to his heart's content. But to dance contentedly, a man must have an har- monious partner. The Prince found one so harmonious in beauty and movement that it was in his mind to dance with her through the night. Then began the conspiring tongues to wag. Did the Prince not realize that he was devoting his attentions to an assistant in a drug store; that there were mothers and daughters of society vainly waiting their turn; that, to put the matter bluntly, Appearances were being badly Let Down? The tide of indignant murmurings rose and rose until it reached members of the Prince's staff, and afterwards the Prince himself. "An assistant in a drug store," he heard them say. And variations of the theme were many. "Only an assistant in a drug store," and, with a note of final condemnation, "Just a little drug store assistant, that's all." And the Prince replied, as if he had been caught up in a fairy-tale, "An assistant in a drug store, did you say ? What a jolly good drug store it must be !" So, after the Prince had dutifully danced with her peering ugly-minded sisters, he carne back to Cinderella; and they danced many more fox-trots together. The story, of course, could be told from the S.K.lLA.'s standpoint. The present writer, however, cannot disguise his pleasure in that rebuke to busy- bodies. Once again the Prince had shown that he pos- sessed that precious gift, the ability "to bend so far and never break." We need not ignore the fact that during these years of adventurous travelling his free-and-easy manner offended some who met or saw or read about him; but this very characteristic endeared him to the younger generation who were aware that he, no less than themselves, must pass through the phase of relaxa- tion which is inevitable in an after-war period. One of the Prince of Wales's accomplishments was the recon- ciling of self-possession with spontaneous behaviour.